Ethical OS Toolkit
Produced mainly for: Tech teams
Origin: North America
Language: English
Type: Tech tool
Creator: IBM
North America
Guide or Manual
North America
For visualizing and anticipating future risk of technology products, acknowledging that once technology is released and reaches scale it may be used for purposes beyond the original intention.
Sesgo e Inferencia en Redes Neuronales ante el Derecho
Produced mainly for: Tech teams
Origin: North America
Language: English
Type: Tech tool
Creator: IBM
Latin America and the Caribbean
Carlos Amunátegui Perelló 1* Raúl Madrid for CeTyS
To approach the phenomenon of bias generated through neural networks, either in their training or in the design of their objective function, and to analyze some of its possible legal implications.
IA Responsable: Manual técnico: Ciclo de vida de la inteligencia artificial
Produced mainly for: Tech teams
Origin: North America
Language: English
Type: Tech tool
Creator: IBM
Latin America and the Caribbean
Felipe Gonzalez, Teresa Ortiz & Roberto Sánchez Ávalos for BID
The purpose of this manual is to provide technical recommendations and technical best practices in order to avoid contrary results (often unexpected) to the decision-makers' expectations. Produced mainly for Tech teams.
New Zealand research on Trust and Identity 2020
Produced mainly for: Tech teams
Origin: North America
Language: English
Type: Tech tool
Creator: IBM
Digital Identity NZ
Is a purpose driven, inclusive, membership funded organization, whose members have a shared passion for the opportunities that digital identity can offer. Digital Identity NZ supports a sustainable, inclusive and trustworthy digital future for all New Zealanders. It is part of the NZ Tech Alliance. Produced mainly for: C Level & Non Tech Team.
AI Ethics for Nonprofits toolkit
Produced mainly for: Tech teams
Origin: North America
Language: English
Type: Tech tool
Creator: IBM
North America
Tool tech & Guide
NetHope (consortium of 60 INGOs) in partnership with MIT D-Lab and USAID
Participants will learn some of the fundamentals of AI ethics and then immediately get to practice applying ethical considerations related to the principle of Fairness in the context of several humanitarian and international development use cases. Produced mainly for C Level, Manager, Tech Team, Non Tech Team.
Real World AI: A Practical Guide to Responsible Machine Learning
Produced mainly for: Tech teams
Origin: North America
Language: English
Type: Tech tool
Creator: IBM
North America
Wilson Pang, CTO at Appen, and Alyssa Simpson Rochwerger, Director of Product at Blue Shield of California and Former VP of Data and AI at Appen
This practical guide to deploying AI lays out a human-first, responsible approach that has seen more than three times the success rate when compared to the industry average. Produced mainly for C Level, Manager, Tech Team & Non - Tech Team.
Caja de Herramientas Humanísticas
Produced mainly for: Tech teams
Origin: North America
Language: English
Type: Tech tool
Creator: IBM
Latin America and the Caribbean
Guide collaborating with CeTyS, BID & fAIr LAC
Philosophical insights aimed at clarifying the nature of artificial intelligence, its relationship with human intelligence, as well as the various types of developments that have taken place in this field and the questions and challenges they raise.
Uso responsable de IA para política pública: manual de formulación de proyectos
Produced mainly for: Tech teams
Origin: North America
Language: English
Type: Tech tool
Creator: IBM
Latin America and the Caribbean
InterAmerican Development Bank (IDB)
This manual is part of a series of documents and tolos developed by the fAIr LAC initiative to guide policy makers and their technical teams in mitigating the challenges inherent in AI-based decision support systems and promoting their responsible use.
Data Privacy and Pou
Produced mainly for: Tech teams
Origin: North America
Language: English
Type: Tech tool
Creator: IBM
Tech tool
Hiria Te Rangi and Amber Craig
The pou define why we exist, who we serve, what our goals are and how we make good decisions as kaitiaki for whānau. Produced mainly for Non - Tech teams.
The Impact of Ethics and Bias on Artificial Intelligence
Produced mainly for: Tech teams
Origin: North America
Language: English
Type: Tech tool
Creator: IBM
North America
David Schubmehl, Research Director, Cognitive/AI Systems
AI is the study and research of providing software and hardware that attempts to emulate a human being. Cognitive computing is computing focused on reasoning and understanding that is inspired by human cognition. It is a subset of AI. Produced mainly for: C levels & Managers.
Responsible AI from Pilot to Production
Produced mainly for: Tech teams
Origin: North America
Language: English
Type: Tech tool
Creator: IBM
North America
A biased model that works for some users, and not others, is a failed model. Or a model that wasn’t sourced responsibly can be a poor reflection of company values and a nightmare with the media. It’s helpful to remember that AI reflects the people and the company that build it: when something goes wrong, it shows something may also be wrong internally. Produced mainly for C Level, Manager, Tech Team & Non - Tech Team.
Fair Pricing in Financial Services: summary of responses and next steps
Produced mainly for: Tech teams
Origin: North America
Language: English
Type: Tech tool
Creator: IBM
Financial Conduct Authority (FCA)
Summarices the main themes in the submissions we received and, where appropriate, provide our responses. Provides further clarification on how we will apply our Framework in practice.
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Consejo del Futuro Global sobre IA para la Humanidad,WEF con el apoyo de C Minds